Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Obama addresses the idiots about his birth certificate

I find it hard to believe that idiots still think our President doesnt deserve to run this country.  Some racists are stuck on stupid and this just shows how immature and damaging they are to this country.  Can we deport these racist backwards ass people...all of them black, white, yellow, purple whatever their color may be? I was shaking my head to see that out President has to come on TV to prove something that was proven before he was even thinking about running. Do you really think they didnt check and recheck this thousands of times hoping he was not able to run when he first campaigned.  When are we going to learn that the people that are holding our country back are these ignorant ass racists or racist sympatheizers.  This is such a ridiculous story to have to share.  Donald Trump should be ashamed to call himself an American and we should be ashamed to call him a US citizen!!!

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