Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Kanye West Goes On Another Rant At Revel Ovation Hall: Clique Speech (Di...


This is the realist shit I have heard in a long time.  I don't care what people say about Kayne he is not crazy...and just like him I am not satisfied either....When people are starving and jobless but bankers are making billions in bonuses what is there to be satisfied about?  We need to restructure, replan, rebuild our communities, our mindsets and our resources.  We have a war going on a war against the poor against the working class that has to be stopped.  Yea I understand Kayne is rich Kim K is rich but at least he has the rich balls to come out and speak the truth.  The media wants you to focus on Kayne and Kim's relationship like that is real news instead of focusing on what really is happening in the world.  Have you noticed ever successful singer is now being accused of being the illuminati.  Why aren't drug dealers and suppliers illimunati...why aren't mafia and the hitmen out here illimunati??? Why is it they pick and choose who to fuck with out here...As soon as you have a voice they target your ass...  I am loving Kayne and what he says in this video.. I love how the Clique song is in the background on that note during the entire speech....Classic shit!!! I give Kayne and Kim my blessings they gonna have a beautiful baby.  I give this video two thumbs way the hell up!! Enjoy!!

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