Saturday, July 31, 2010

Vote the Republicans out! They didnt even want to extend unemployment for millions of Americans!

Following is a list of Senators that voted ‘nay” to the passage of unemployment extension 2010 into law.
If these Senators represent your state or district....VOTE THEM OUT!!!!!!!!!! THEY DON"T CARE ABOUT the American People!
TN Alexander, Lamar [R]
WY Barrasso, John [R]
UT Bennett, Robert [R]
MO Bond, Christopher [R]
MA Brown, Scott [R]
KS Brownback, Samuel [R]
KY Bunning, Jim [R]
NC Burr, Richard [R]
GA Chambliss, Saxby [R]
OK Coburn, Thomas [R]
MS Cochran, Thad [R]
TN Corker, Bob [R]
TX Cornyn, John [R]
ID Crapo, Michael [R]
SC DeMint, Jim [R]
NV Ensign, John [R]
WY Enzi, Michael [R]
SC Graham, Lindsey [R]
IA Grassley, Charles [R]
NH Gregg, Judd [R]
UT Hatch, Orrin [R]
TX Hutchison, Kay [R]
OK Inhofe, James [R]
GA Isakson, John [R]
NE Johanns, Mike [R]
AZ Kyl, Jon [R]
FL LeMieux, George [R]
IN Lugar, Richard [R]
AZ McCain, John [R]
KY McConnell, Mitch [R]
AK Murkowski, Lisa [R]
NE Nelson, Ben [D]
ID Risch, James [R]
KS Roberts, Pat [R]
AL Sessions, Jefferson [R]
AL Shelby, Richard [R]
SD Thune, John [R]
OH Voinovich, George [R]
MS Wicker, Roger [R]
LA Vitter, David [R] – Did not vote

Take a chance to see all 5 parts of President Obama's visit to The View

I listed all five video segments from youtube...Enjoy!

Obama on The View 2010 PART 5 ~ High Quality ~

Obama on The View 2010 PART 4 ~ High Quality ~

Obama on The View 2010 PART 3 ~ High Quality ~

Obama on The View 2010 PART 2 ~ High Quality ~

Obama on The View 2010 PART 1 ~ High Quality ~

Georgio 80s singer who had a few hits and dissed Prince

If you were born in the 80s you will remember that there was this singer who called himself Georgio. He had a few hits and most people in that time were calling him the new Prince because he composed, arranged and performed all his music.  He had hits like Tina's Cherry, Lovers Lane and Sex Appeal... Here is a picture of Georgio. back in the 80's

Here is a video, there was no doubt he had the appeal and talent to be a star....but guess what killed his fame??? He came out and dissed Prince and said he was better than Prince and Michael Jackson...He did not have humility instead cockyness which is the worst thing to have in life.  Look what he is doing now....He is in low budget films and picking up whatever projects he can....He bit the hand that fed him (Prince), Prince helped him musically but Georgio thought he was too good and didnt need Prince to help him... now look at him...WOW!!!!! 

Open your eyes Quote4today

"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal." -Martin Luther King, Jr.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Say it isnt so Mya looks like a white woman???? WTF

Blond hair blue eyes now Mya looks like a white woman...what was wrong Mya u didnt like your natural dark eyes and hair...She looks ridiculous! I hate when ethnic women dye their hair blond...then to make it worse shes wearing blue contacts....WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW EPIC FAIL!!!!!


“Keep true, never be ashamed of doing right; decide on what you think is right and stick to it.”

T.S. Eliot quotes

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Celebrity Look alikes

Lil Kim

Snooki from Jersey Shore                                                                                                                      


A damn shame America still has the gay ban in the military

Are u serious...this is 2010 people, why does a gay person like Army Lt. Dan Choi get discharged from the military for being gay?? WTF He was serving in Iraq and is an Arab linguist duhhhhh which means he can understand what the other people that we are fighting are saying. SO the only thing he gets let go for is being gay....When will we learn that civil rights have to be for everyone not just certain segments of society we deem deserve the rights.  This is so sick that a country that preaches about individual freedoms has a problem with someone who is gay...What if we started banning big fat bootyliscious women from jobs because in their bedrooms men are lifting all the fat up to get inside  their big ass...See how dumb it sounds.  I hope this Lt. gets his job back! What if u walked around hidiing who u really were to keep your job...Cmon we can do better then this AMERICA!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

TI ft Keri Hilson I got your back

Good to see people talking about sticking together in love!! I see you Tiny!!! LOL


"The firm, the enduring, the simple and the modest are near to virtue" Confucius-Chinese philosopher and reformist

WoW look at this whale

In a recent report this couple was sailing in the South African waters when they saw this whale jump out of the water several times but the last time proved to be incredible.  Look how close this whale was to the yacht and look at how small the man in the red looks compared to the whale... WOW the boat suffered some damage but no one was hurt..  The whale is probably around 40 tons and notice how strong it is to make its body jump out of the water that far into the air...WOW!!Amazing

Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday 80s throwback Bernard Wright-Who do you love

I miss the 80s when image didnt mean shit but the music was 1000 times better!!!!!!!!!!!! Those were the days

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


"Αργία μήτηρ πάσης κακίας." (αρχαιοελληνικό ρητό)  "Laziness, mother of all evil." (ancient Greek saying)

Remember Heavy D- Now that we found love!!!

This is a good workout song....go Heavy D and Aaron Hall was on this song too!

Lenny Kravitz "Greed and Convenience" responsible for spill

See what Lenny Kravitz says.....he is a supporter of the environment and is a long time resident of New Orleans.

This is my fav pic of the Obamas on the 4th of July!! love the silouettes!!

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama watch the fireworks over the National Mall from the roof of the White House. July 4, 2010.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Dog from Bush's Beans commercial

I wanted to post this commercial it reminds me of my dog...hes an opportunist and probably has his own little lab in our house when we leave....My dog is human I swear LOL!!!

Monica- Love all over me

New video from at the end of which man she should choose....I want that gold cuff bracelet she is wearing!LOL Enjoy!!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

OMG look at all the benefits of Cocoa Butter

I used Cocoa Butter during my pregnancies and I swear to you I have hardly any stretch marks....I use Cocoa butter on my face everyday and its so good for your skin and inexpensive.  I always look for the cheapest way to stay young and beautiful....Try it and you will see how it makes your skin so soft and supple!

      1. Cocoa butter has been called the ultimate moisturizer, and has been used to keep skin soft and supple for centuries.                                                                          
2. Cocoa butter is one of the most stable, highly concentrated natural fats known, and melts at body temperature so that it is readily absorbed into the skin.   

***Recent research indicates that massaging the skin with cocoa butter may help relieve stress, boost the immune system, and even prevent cancer. This is because cocoa butter, like chocolate, contains a lot of CMP. Researchers in Japan reported that CMP inhibits the growth of cancerous cells and tumors by reducing active oxygen levels in the body, and concluded that CMP inhibits the oxidation of LDL (good) cholesterol and the production of inflammatory cells; there is some evidence that the CMP in cocoa butter may also help prevent heart disease and ease arthritic symptoms.


Our beautiful First Lady

First Lady Michelle Obama is a true inspiration for our generation..I am proud to have her as my role model!   President Obama is doing work and trying to get this country back on track that the Republicans messed up.  I hope all the negative media most people will learn to ignore...Media is propoganda remember that!  They only have one agenda and its not to benefit any of us..its for the superrich to stay that way and we stay in our place.  Thats why it is so important to educate yourself and just do! Dont let them tell you what you can and cant can do anything you put your mind too!

Throwing it back Thurs...AL B Sure Right now

Why all the thunder in this video...I dont get it?  Well since I watch Omarosa the Ultimate Merger Al.B.Sure is one of her friends and contestants to win her love on the show....Wonder if he will win? LOL


"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." - Thomas Edison
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." - Thomas Edison

Hump day song for this Weds Sex Room-Luda and Trey Songz

Quote 4today

"When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps." -Confucius

A MUST READ!!! Dirty Little Secrets the Republicans Dont want you to know by Robert Creamer

The Republicans have a set of dirty little (actually not so little) secrets they don't what you to know -- and certainly don't want you to think about when you go to the polls in November.

And the fact is that some of those secrets could provide Democrats with silver bullets this fall. But first let's recall the context.

Over the course of eight short years -- between 2000 and 2008 -- the Republicans methodically executed their plan to transform American society. They systematically transferred wealth from the middle class to the wealthiest two percent of Americans -- slashing taxes for the wealthy. They eviscerated the rules that held Wall Street, Big Oil and private insurance companies accountable to the public. They allowed and encouraged the recklessness of the big Wall Street banks that ultimately collapsed the economy and cost eight million Americans their jobs. They ignored exploding health care costs, tried to privatize Social Security, gave the drug companies open season to gouge American consumers and presided over a decline in real incomes averaging $2,000 per family. They entangled America in an enormously costly, unnecessary war in Iraq, pursued a directionless policy that left Afghanistan to fester, and sullied America's good name throughout the world.
Their economic policy of cutting taxes for the wealthy and deregulating big Corporations failed to create jobs. In fact, over his eight year term, George Bush's administration created exactly zero net private sector jobs. They inherited a Federal budget with surpluses as far as the eye could see and rolled up more debt than all of the previous Presidents in the over 200 years of American history. And in the end they left the economy in collapse.
This was not a disaster that could be remedied overnight. By taking bold action at the beginning of his administration, President Obama and the Democrats in Congress prevented the financial crisis from morphing into a Great Depression -- but the Republicans, some Democrats, and the powerful special interests have done everything they can to throw sand into the gears of change. Most importantly, they have stood in the way of providing enough economic stimulus to launch a robust, widespread economic recovery.
But notwithstanding Republican opposition, Obama, the Democrats and their progressive allies have -- after a century of trying -- finally passed health care reform allowing America to end its status as the only industrialized nation that did not provide health care as a right. They are on the brink of reining in the recklessness of the big Wall Street banks. And they have set the stage for massive long-term investments in economic growth and clean energy.
But it has been hard to pull the car out of the deep economic ditch and Americans are angry at the slow pace of economic recovery -- and also at the special interests that profited from their economic pain.
So the Republicans now have the audacity to argue that President Obama and the Democrats are somehow responsible for the hardships that they themselves created. In effect they want the election to be a referendum on whether the Democrats have mopped and swept fast enough cleaning up the mess that they created.
They will do everything they can to prevent America from focusing on the real choice before them in the fall elections -- a choice between going backward to the failed policies of the past that caused this catastrophe and a new direction that will create sustainable, long-term, bottom-up, widely shared economic growth. The real question before the country is whether it is willing to hand over the keys to the economy once again to the same gang that just caused the most serious economic pile up in 60 years.
That's where the dirty little secrets come in. It turns out that the leaders of the Republican Party have learned nothing from the reckless escapade that caused so much economic pain, and came perilously close to inflicting mortal wounds on the American economy.
They still actually believe -- despite what we have all just experienced -- that by "freeing" big oil, the insurance companies and Wall Street banks of the "burdens" of government accountability, that the plutocrats and the "invisible hand" of the market will lead American into the promised land of economic prosperity.
Some of the things they believe are not only dangerous to the economy, luckily they are also politically radioactive. And quite remarkably, many key Republicans are actually willing to say them out loud. Here are a few:
•Meet Congressman Paul Ryan. Ryan is the ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee. If the Republicans once again take control of the House, he will be the Chair of the Budget Committee. Ryan believes -- and says out loud -- that Medicare, one of the most popular Federal programs in history, should be abolished and replaced with vouchers for private insurance. Let's recall that one of the ways Republicans stirred up opposition to health insurance reform was by falsely accusing Democrats of wanting to cut Medicare. They convinced some unwitting seniors that "Government" should keep its hands off Medicare -- which is, of course, a "Government" program. Democrats need to make it crystal clear in this campaign that Republicans -- who opposed Medicare from its inception -- actually want to abolish the program and hand over control of health care for America's seniors to the same private insurance companies responsible for driving up rates three times faster than wages while their profits have exploded.

•Congressman John Boehner, the House Minority Leader, has endorsed another Ryan proposal to raise the retirement age of Social Security to 70 years old -- a proposal that might go over fine with a guy like Boehner who makes speeches for a living. But it won't be very popular at all with someone who has laid bricks, or run an earth mover, or waited tables for forty-five years.

•The whole Republican crew wants to resurrect the failed Bush proposal to "privatize" Social Security. The defeat of Bush's privatization plan was the turning point in the Bush Presidency. It was all downhill from there. Yet -- whether it's to pad the investment accounts of their friends on Wall Street or because they are "private markets uber alles true believers" -- the Republicans want to try it again. Only this time retirees won't have to work very hard to imagine what it would have been like if their Social Security checks had plummeted in value the way their 401K's did when the market collapsed just two years ago.

•The Republicans want to weaken and repeal the new law to rein in the recklessness of the big Wall Street banks. Most Republicans and Democrats voted to bail out the big banks to prevent a 1930's style market collapse. The difference is that Democrats supported legislation to rein in their recklessness -- that had cost 8 million Americans their jobs -- and assure that a bailout was never allowed to happen again. But with very few exceptions, the Republicans voted to a person against holding Wall Street accountable. Given a chance, they plan to team up with their pals on Wall Street to free them to return to their reckless ways at will. In fact, they told the titans of Wall Street as much in fundraising meetings, where those "masters of the Universe" were asked to ante up. Republicans claim to oppose more Wall Street bailouts, but they refuse to support legislation that would prevent one in the future and hold Wall Street accountable. That -- coupled with those big contributions from Wall Street -- is a position that is very difficult for average voters to swallow. In fact, the polling says it's down right toxic.
•Republicans have consistently voted against extending unemployment benefits to workers who have been laid off because of Bush-era policies and the recklessness of Wall Street. Remember, people who get unemployment benefits -- by definition -- are looking for jobs that the economy doesn't provide. In addition, many Republicans actually believe that the best way to spur employment is to lower the minimum wage.
•Finally, meet Congressman Joe Barton. If the Republicans win back control of Congress, he would once again most likely serve as the Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee -- the Committee that oversees the oil industry. Congressman Barton has never met an oil company he doesn't like. In fact, he's the guy who actually apologized to BP when they were forced by the Obama Administration to take economic responsibility for the disastrous Gulf oil spill. As a political matter, that's like apologizing to Jack the Ripper.
These are politically radioactive positions that do, in fact, define the core of Republican policy if they were once again to control the gavel in either House of Congress.
We hear a lot about how Democrats have to "localize" the elections to have a chance of victory in November. And it is true that people vote for people in elections -- and the quality of Democratic candidates will give them a major edge in many races. So while it is a good idea to "personalize" the races for Congress, the last thing Democrats should do is to "localize" them, because the party that nationalizes a midterm -- and dominates the national dialogue -- almost always comes out ahead.
Instead, Democrats need to take the offensive and dominate the national conversation by talking about what the Republicans actually believe and what they would do if they win in November. Voters must be offered a stark choice between Democratic and Republican policies in the fall. If they are, "Conventional Wisdom" that keeps predicting a Democratic disaster will be proven wrong, the same way it was when it predicted that America would never elect a tall, skinny African American guy named Barack Obama.

Robert Creamer is a long-time political organizer and strategist, and author of the recent book: Stand Up Straight: How Progressives Can Win, available on

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Damn thats why Halle Berry always sported that Butch haircut...shes GAY!!

All these women tryin to get her haircut its nothing but a Butch cut...LOL O well no wonder she had problems with men...I hope shes out and happy...More power to her....I dont hate gay people I hate people who hate gay people....Heres her new GF

WOW The Dream caught with his asst. Check out his stomach EWWWWWWWWWWWW

The Dream announced its splitsville with him and Christine Milian ...some say the news came after photos of the Dream and his assistant appeared all over the internet...Never the less...All that money they spent on that wedding what a waste....I wish men would say no ot lavish weddings....I married my man 22 years ago we still together and we spent $20 at the Justice of the how things have changed these days....Anyway these men are so fat and ugly they got to know the women that they cheat with only want thieir money....Check out one of the many pics that leaked on the net..

Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday old school pick

Prince- All The Critics Love you in New York

How u gonna come to an all white affair in fluorescent green?? LOL

The dude in the green shirt??WTF did he not see that this was an all white affair? Or did he think cus he had some white in the shirt that counted??? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

Anyway Young Jeezy is lookin cool....Love me some Jeezy music!!

Lala Vazquez dress -Love it!!!

Here dress is GORGEOUS!!!!! Im, not a big fan of LaLa or Carmelo...but this dress is so nice!!!!


"Stop the habit of wishful thinking and start the habit of thoughtful wishes." Mary Martin

Friday, July 9, 2010

Let negative go!!! I agree with Love B Scott.. dont apologize for being positive and happy

I agree with this message.....Let em go Let em go.....if ppl around u are negative crabs let them swim off alone in the ocean of misery!!!! DO YOU and stay true to God and everything else will fall into place...LOVE URSELF U ARE SPECIAL!!!!! Let the doubt go it clouds judgement!!! Enjoy!!

Like this pic of Eve

Shes one of my fav rappers...go EVE!

Quote 4theday

"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love." ~Albert Einstein

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Nicki Minaj-Your love song is #1 and GOOD!!

WOW She wasnt even gonna put out this song...Go Nicki!!! See what she had to say here is here quote from
Hopefully the official video will be out soon!

“I was not planning on putting the song out at all, but then I heard it one day, somebody told me it was online. And I was like, ‘No way, no way in the world that song is out.’ I went and listened to it and was really upset. It wasn’t mixed, it wasn’t finished, it wasn’t anything — I wasn’t gonna use it at all. But then radio started playing it.” “Isn’t that crazy? Crazy. I don’t even know how it feels [to have a #1 hit] right now. But it’s amazing.”

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My chick bad remix....Love me some Eve!!!!!

Love to see female rappers doing it....!!

Native American Thought for today

When all the trees have been cut down,
when all the animals have been hunted,
when all the waters are polluted,
when all the air is unsafe to breathe,
only then will you discover you cannot eat money.

Cree Prophecy

Serena wins at Wimbledon- Wow look at her Burberry dress...LOVE IT!!

Love the Burberry dress and how it matches the prize...Go Serena!!! oh I got the pic from pretty cool site!!!

You be the judge but I think Reggie Bush did a downgrade with Mayra Veronica

Kim is so much prettier

Reggies new DOWNGRADE!!!!! Man this girl is NOT KIM THATS FOR SURE!!!!

Flashback joint of the day....The most underrated song on Purple Rain Soundtrack

Check out one of my all time favs from Prince

Computer Blue

Monday, July 5, 2010

Quote 4today

"To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it." ~Confucius

Janet Jackson covers Essence magazine

“It took me a good minute to get here, it really did. But I love my life. I only wish I had this confidence when I was younger…” Janet Jackson
Shes always been gorgeous in my eyes!I feel the same way Janet does I never had the confidence I have now that I am 40 years old.  Its weird when I was younger I never felt good about myself or how I looked.  Now I love me!!
Peep Janet on the cover of July's Essence magazine...reminds me of a Farah Fawcett look:

Thursday, July 1, 2010

You cant miss this documentary The End of Poverty

This documentary takes a real look at colonialism, slavery and the current systems that Europeans put in place to continue the spread of poverty in what they call 3rd world countries.....EDUCATE ur mind......these are the things the rich dont want you to learn!!! Think about it they dont want you to be powerful in knowledge!!!


"Character is habit long continued." Greek proverb

Throw back Thurs Yo mister- Patti Labelle with Prince

Remember this jam....The legends Patti Labelle and Prince!!

Yo Mister