Saturday, July 31, 2010

Vote the Republicans out! They didnt even want to extend unemployment for millions of Americans!

Following is a list of Senators that voted ‘nay” to the passage of unemployment extension 2010 into law.
If these Senators represent your state or district....VOTE THEM OUT!!!!!!!!!! THEY DON"T CARE ABOUT the American People!
TN Alexander, Lamar [R]
WY Barrasso, John [R]
UT Bennett, Robert [R]
MO Bond, Christopher [R]
MA Brown, Scott [R]
KS Brownback, Samuel [R]
KY Bunning, Jim [R]
NC Burr, Richard [R]
GA Chambliss, Saxby [R]
OK Coburn, Thomas [R]
MS Cochran, Thad [R]
TN Corker, Bob [R]
TX Cornyn, John [R]
ID Crapo, Michael [R]
SC DeMint, Jim [R]
NV Ensign, John [R]
WY Enzi, Michael [R]
SC Graham, Lindsey [R]
IA Grassley, Charles [R]
NH Gregg, Judd [R]
UT Hatch, Orrin [R]
TX Hutchison, Kay [R]
OK Inhofe, James [R]
GA Isakson, John [R]
NE Johanns, Mike [R]
AZ Kyl, Jon [R]
FL LeMieux, George [R]
IN Lugar, Richard [R]
AZ McCain, John [R]
KY McConnell, Mitch [R]
AK Murkowski, Lisa [R]
NE Nelson, Ben [D]
ID Risch, James [R]
KS Roberts, Pat [R]
AL Sessions, Jefferson [R]
AL Shelby, Richard [R]
SD Thune, John [R]
OH Voinovich, George [R]
MS Wicker, Roger [R]
LA Vitter, David [R] – Did not vote

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