Sunday, July 25, 2010

A damn shame America still has the gay ban in the military

Are u serious...this is 2010 people, why does a gay person like Army Lt. Dan Choi get discharged from the military for being gay?? WTF He was serving in Iraq and is an Arab linguist duhhhhh which means he can understand what the other people that we are fighting are saying. SO the only thing he gets let go for is being gay....When will we learn that civil rights have to be for everyone not just certain segments of society we deem deserve the rights.  This is so sick that a country that preaches about individual freedoms has a problem with someone who is gay...What if we started banning big fat bootyliscious women from jobs because in their bedrooms men are lifting all the fat up to get inside  their big ass...See how dumb it sounds.  I hope this Lt. gets his job back! What if u walked around hidiing who u really were to keep your job...Cmon we can do better then this AMERICA!!

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