Friday, September 14, 2012

Spending More On Prisons Than Colleges - Report


This is a damn shame.....We are a country that profits off of people going to jail.  The prisons are privatized and are a booming business.  So someone smokes a joint get caught and you go to job....this is absurb.  I like this show The Young Turks..they have a good viewpoint on alot of topics.  Are we really okay with having a society that spends more on prisons than on education? I agree people who use drugs should not be in jail...Let's fix the reason why people get hooked on dope to begin with.  We need an educated society with everyone able to attain a higher education.  We have the wrong people (Republicans) running our local juduciary systems and writing fucked up laws.  We need to wake up and do something about it....Please register and go vote this election thats the first thing we can all do.  This is a good presentation and a good show.  You should check more episodes out...Enjoy!!

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