Thursday, January 5, 2012

Kim Kardashian Barbie Doll On The Way? - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV

Kim Kardashian Barbie Doll On The Way? - Music, Celebrity, Artist News MTV<- Click here to read the article. Apparantly there have been some tweets mentioning the barbie toy line-Mattel from Kim. After the tweets surfaced E! News then reported that the Kardashian Barbies are in the works and should be available later this year. They added that the limited-edition dolls are unofficially being referred to as "Dash dolls," since they'll be outfitted in fashions that can be purchased at the Kardashian's Dash boutiques (of course). You gotta respect this family's hustle. They turn out product after product despite the hate and negativity that is thrown at them. I am a huge fan of the Kardashians. Kim is mt favorite and I respect her game, she knows how to market and brand her name. You have to respcet that no matter what you think of them as people. The media loves to take punches at this gang and for what? They rose to fame quickly and they are all about family. How is that wrong in this country? I am excited to see what the barbie dolls will look like. Smart move!! Gotta love it!

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