Thursday, June 24, 2010

Put some orange into your beauty regime

Oranges- Who knew??

Check out some of the beauty benefits from oranges.

1.  CLOSES PORES - Take out juice from one orange and apply it directly on your face like a face wash and then rinse immediately. The Vitamin C in the orange juice will add smoothness and softness to your skin instantly. Orange juice is also considered very efficient in shrinking enlarged pores.

2.  WRINKLES - Orange juice has superb qualities in age reversing antioxidants helps to prevent wrinkles too. It can also be used on hair to get natural shine. Mix juice of one orange with equal measure of water. Add one teaspoon of honey to this mix. After shampooing your hair apply this mix on your hair and let it on for 5 to 10 minutes. Then rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water. The result will be amazingly beautiful shiny hair in an expensive and natural way.

3. ADDS VITAMIN E- Apply orange juice to your face. Besides drinking orange juice, the simple act of putting orange juice on your face will help add Vitamin E to your skin and will help to reduce wrinkles. Soak orange juice into a cotton ball and rub it over your face daily.

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