Thursday, June 17, 2010

WTF The unemployed are hit by a double whammy...Companies are saying the unemployed need not apply

I just came across an article on that are exposing many companies who are saying that unemployed workers will not be considered.  Two companies one in South Carolina and one in Georgia has had recent media attention when they posted that they will not consider unemployed workers for their open positions.  Are u serious????? Many unemployed are displaced by no fault of their own.  How can you keep kicking people in the ass when they are down and out?  The article went on to say that many employers, recruiters assume that an unemployed work may have been let go for job performance.  Many of the recruiters ask a candidate if they are currently working, when an applicant says they are unemployed the recruiter says they will no longer consider that candidate. What kind of society are we living in???? THIS IS INSANE.  I have my background in Human Resources and to me if a candidate is already working and looking for a job with my company shouldnt that raise a flag, they are leaving their current job to interview and spend time finding another position.  So if you really think about it shouldnt the already employed worker be less considerable than the unemployed worker?? OH THATS RIGHT I FORGOT WE ARE LIVING IN A COUNTRY WHERE CORPORATIONS ARE RUN  BY FACIST RIGHT WINGED IDIOTS WHO DONT THINK!!!!! 

So the unemployed face a double whammy...kinda like our President faces Damn if you do and damn if u dont...This country is run by a Catch 22 mentality..We have to create a better system this cant keep happening to people!  How out of touch with reality you must be if you see the economy crashed millions of jobs lost and you are blaming the unemployed for not being hire worthy??? OH I FORGOT they live in their own fucked up reality of hoarding all the jobs and giving them out to a select few...I am so disgusted with this article!!

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