Friday, June 18, 2010

WTF Snoop Dog is banned from performing at a Netherlands festival

Are u serious as doped up as the Netherlands is they want to ban Snoop Dog?? LOL WOW thats insane!  Heres the statement from the Mayor contends that Snoop was banned from performing at the family-oriented concert in order to promote an "open and friendly atmosphere." Wow Obviously they dont know that Snoop is a family man has been married longer than most people but I guess they forgot to get to know the man behind the music...See when you live your life with assumptions you miss out on alot.. A country who marvels over legal prostitution and drug use is banning Snoop Dog that is hiliarious....WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!

Snoop has been married to his high school sweetheart and is a good father to his is that not a family man....?? SMH

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