Monday, May 16, 2011

Noel Gourdin- Beautiful

Im glad he came out with this song.  Not to say all women all beautiful inside and out thats not true, there are some ugly people in this world.  But man needs woman and woman needs man thats how we are wired.  We need love and I also believe men need men and women need women what ever your orientation we need love.  We are social beings and calling women out of their name has been a damaging part of society in the last 30 years.  There are women that deserve the name like jumpoff and ho but remember shes still a human being and calling her that has no merit.  We treat people the way we view the world.  If we spread love and understanding maybe some of the hurt, hate and deception will go away on this earth.. Just my random thoughts and I am rambling on!! Enjoy the video!!

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