Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Lady Gaga Visits White House To Discuss Bullying - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV

Lady Gaga Visits White House To Discuss Bullying - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV: <- Click here to read the entire article.  The singer visited with White House administration staffers to help in the Obama anti-bullying campaign.  I am so glad we have artists like this that use their power of the media and influence of others to stand up for issues that are so important.  We need more people like this to step up and be about something.  I have to give her so much more respect for helping our youth in the struggles against bullying.  When you click on the link you will also see Lady Gaga discuss what three things she would do on her first day in office if she were elected president. Make sure you check it out so you can hear her responses.  

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