Oh this is a great video about student loan debt. According to Size they are trying to work a plan to change the laws regarding bankruptcy and student loans. Currently on the books if you have student loan debt you cannot claim bankruptcy. This shit needs to change. Education should be free to make a better society. President Obama has changed some important measures for student loans but people who are degreed can't find work so they should be able to erase the debt in a bnakruptcy case. I love her advice let us love ourself not based on what we make but on who we are as a human being. This is a must see video!
Wow 4real!!
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Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Oh this is a great video about student loan debt. According to Size they are trying to work a plan to change the laws regarding bankruptcy and student loans. Currently on the books if you have student loan debt you cannot claim bankruptcy. This shit needs to change. Education should be free to make a better society. President Obama has changed some important measures for student loans but people who are degreed can't find work so they should be able to erase the debt in a bnakruptcy case. I love her advice let us love ourself not based on what we make but on who we are as a human being. This is a must see video!
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