Sunday, May 13, 2012

H&M apologizes for using too-tan model in ads

H&M apologizes for using too-tan model in ads <- You gotta read this ridiculousness.  Let me summarize what the article is about....H&M is a popular Swedish clothing retailer.  So for their new swimsuit ads they recruited an olives skin Brazilian model named Isabeli Fontana.  Some people who are a part of the Swedish Cancer society blasted H&M for using such a model citing that her bronzed skin gives an unrealistic ideal of beauty because more people in Sweden die of skin cancer each year than car accidents.  Since Isabeli has very very dark skin the Swedes believe her color is unattainable to the pale people of the Northern European countrymen and women.  But wait!!!!!!!! The group blasted H&M for what it characterized as creating a "deadly" standard of beauty that unduly influenced young people to tan. It said images like the swimsuit ad campaign "contribute to more people dying from skin cancer." So how the hell is it dark people's fault that Swedes die to look is not brown skinned peoples fault.  She should be able to do any ad campaign in the world.  How insecure are the Swedes and white folk that an olive skinned model is not considered a deadly standard of beauty.  It is not our fault that white people can't tan and have pale skin..This is the kind of thing dark woman around the world should protest!!! This is insanity at its best!!!At any rate the model looks gorgeous and the Swedes are just jealous they can't have skin that color....Get over it!!! For them to be focused on the model's skin color rather than the swimsuits should explain how crazy these folks are.... I think she looks fabulous in the ad...I love it and I hope more women of color embrace their darkness!!  I had to post this please consider not purchasing a damn thing from H&M!! WOW SMDH!!

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