Friday, May 4, 2012

How Your Pussy Works (If You're Ready To Learn) - Brian Mcknight

OMG this is for real I thought I was watching a Dave Chappelle skit.  Somehow someway Brian just made the word Pussy sound nice in this song.  LOL I was reading the comments and people are saying he is out of character, we are all multi layered and dimensional.  When you think you figure out how someone should act stop it! No one walks around being what you think they are, for example Brian doesn't walk around 24/7 being the nice guy that we all think he is based on his love ballads.  I must say I was shocked by the words of this song but he is such a talented artist he turned it into a song of love...Good work Brian!! I give this song two thumbs way the hell up!! I wonder if it gets the the radio stations, what word will they replace it with....probably love..LOL Enjoy!!

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