Friday, April 6, 2012

David Banner's Powerful Words on Trayvon Martin *EXCLUSIVE BLACK ENTERPRISE VIDEO* Black Enterprise talks to David Banner on the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. The artist/producer shares his fierce thoughts on how this incident fits into the scope of systematic racism in America.  This is why David Banner is such a great artist.  He speaks the absolute truth.  The reason he doesn't get airplay and some of these other foolish rappers do should give you the answers you are looking for.  The American media thinks they have the power to control how we think and laugh as us buying into the propoganda. One thing I learned is that this is exactly the same thing they started doing to the Jews in Europe before Hitler took power.  They controlled the image and the ideals of what a Jew was supposed to be.  The media is the biggest tool to control our imagery.  The meida is owned by rich cults who are driving and spreading propoganda and guess what we are making them rich by buying into the lies.  We allow images and distoration of the truth become a part of our subculture.  We celebrate foolishness.....we throw get out of jail parties and honor men who father babies all over town.  We call real men who marry one woman a coward, pussy whipped but the bad boy is seen as a hero.  We have allowed dysfuction become our heritage.  That is selling out, Mr Banner is not a sell out he is honest and forward with his thoughts. 

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