Sunday, October 16, 2011

Stephen A. Smith Goes In On Lebron James "You Want To Be Crowned With No...

I totally agree with Stephen Smith, how the hell you call yourself a king and aint got no damn crown? Lebron is an egotistical ass player. He thinks because he has so many endorsements and fame he is the best. Well you have to work hard to be the best. You can't brag about something you never received. Dirk helped win the last championship and you don't see him showboating like a damn fool everywhere. I think we have pumped up Lebron before he even won a ring. A man that can't commit to his woman after 5 plus years what makes him able to commit to a basketball championship. He was a high school push and he should have went to college to learn that you can't be a king with earning that crown. I totally 100% agree with everything Stephen says in this clip.

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