Saturday, November 19, 2011

David Letterman - Herman Cain Interview

I had to post this for two reasons...1.) I love David Letterman and 2.) Herman Cain is a damn joke and thats all the Repulicans have...WOW this is funny as hell. Barack Obama will kick old man Cain in the debates. Why did they play that song by Michael McDonald "I Keep Forgetting" when Mr. Cain walked out on stage...that was a priceless moment. Recently Herman Cain was at a lost for words when asked about Libya so I guess we know he forgets alot of stuff. A business man who forgets things like this reminds me of another president we had George Bush and look at he fucked this country up! Obama is cleaning up this last idiots fuck ups...period!!! President Obama is doing the work necessary. This fool wouldn't be able to make the right decisions at all. I like David saying dial 999 get a free pizza....OMG LOL!!!!

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