Sunday, November 20, 2011

Young Jeezy's take on Occupy Wall Street

I agree with Young Jeezy 100% you gotta do what you gotta do to feed your family.  I think everybody should be protesting this bullshit system we live under.  Don't let these motherfuckas out here try to tell you these protesters don't know what they want.  They have clear and specific things that they want done for all Americans including getting rid of the credit score systems and paying people a living wage of at least $20 per hour....who can surive at the current minimum wage of $7.25 an hour...Come on thats bullshit who can survive on such a low wage!!The rich are getting richer and evading paying their taxes and all the blood sweat and tears is falling on the poor and middle class.  We have to have a voice and go out here and protest this bullshit.  Don't get it twisted Barack Obama is helping to bring a change into the world.  Don't believe any of the garbage Fox News, CNN and all these other outlets are trying to tell you.  Change is what President Obama is bringing the world.  All it takes is a little research to see all the demands occupy wall street movement has put up on their website

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