Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The New Promised Land - Silicon Valley - Black In America - Part 1 through 6

This was a 6 part documentary that airred on CNN a few weeks ago that I heard nothing about.  I did not see one ad for this featured on any television station.  I watched all 6 parts and learned alot about how far ambition and persistence are important traits to carry you through to obtain your dreams.  The statistics are grim but our generation along with future getrnrations can change all that.  Schools need to focus on better curriculum and teach our children to be engineers and entrepreneurs. I think we have to think outside of the box in terms of opening up new possibilities. The world is really ours to make a stamp on, so we all need to find our passion and do it! The videos were recorderd from someone's phone so the auido is a little off but it is still worth watching! Enjoy!!

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