Monday, June 20, 2011

Health Controversy: Montel Williams Opens Medical Marijuana Dispensary :

Health Controversy: Montel Williams Opens Medical Marijuana Dispensary : <-Click here to read this article. 

Ok I don't get what the big deal is in legalizing Marijuana?  It is a known culprit to help patients with pain and other ailments.  In Montel Williams case as many others, he needs it for pain.  Since when is it our decision to keep medicine away from people. Whether it be a narcotic pill or a joint, the medicinal powers of marijuana have been proven time and time again.  We need ot legalize all drugs and have them dispensed in medical facilites.  Crime would go down if people wwere able to get clean drugs and get them prescribed through a medical outpatient setting.  I am glad Montel is taking this matter in his own hands.  He is smart to stick to this and I wish him the best of luck in fighting MS.

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