Saturday, June 18, 2011

Wearing Baggy pants is not a crime! Even if you don't like the style!!

 I do not understand how someones dress atire makes the airlines, cops and investigators come onto a plane  to kick him off the plane and then to arrest a young man for what he is wearing?  What the fuck is this a Nazi State? I mean if you dont like what people are wearing mind your business.  I personally hate the way Khaki pants look and the way men wear them but you do not see me pulling out the police swat team to attack someone for wearing these corny ass looking pants.  California of all places got some dam nerve as fucked up as that state's representatives are and  as messed up as their economy is they are going to harass young people who dress in baggy attire.  Wow there are some fucked up priorities if you are kicking young people off a plane because of what he wears.  This shows you that these people are crazy!!!He did not commit a crime and he paid for his ticket so what is the justification of aresting him??

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