Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Obama breaks silence on Weiner photos

Ok I am going in on the media.  The way the media is reporting anything about President Obama is downright disrespectful.  Brian Williams says we have 17 more months to deal with this, as if President Obama caused this mayhem in this country.  There is not a Republican alive that could do a better job then President Obama has done.  He has saved us from a double dip recession and stabilized our economy.  The damage was created by Republicans who went de regulation crazy.  Now they have all the banks holding out on giving out loans.  Corporations are holding out giving people jobs.  How is that Obama's fault.  I am convinced they are trying to make President Obama look ineffective.  I hope most of you have opened your eyes and ears to realize all Republicans are our enemy and they are a dangerous cult bent on destroying middle class America. 

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