Thursday, July 14, 2011

Colorado Day-Care Center Proposal: Dolls Must Represent at Least Three Different Races :: American Renaissance News

Colorado Day-Care Center Proposal: Dolls Must Represent at Least Three Different Races :: American Renaissance News <- read the article here 

I don't see the big deal, it is about time we practice diversity rather than just preach about it.  I always played with different color barbies and my daughter did too.  We have to show children that people are beautiful in every shade and size.  Experiments have showed that children are conditioned at a very early age of what the societal ideals of beauty are.  It is up to us as educated adults to expose our children to all facets of beauty.  I don't see how this is a topic for debate?  I have read numerous comments online of people upset about this proposal.  How can you be mad at that? I guess the white racists are mad, they never invited a black person over to their house so what makes you think they want their kids playing with a black doll at daycare.  I think parents and people who are upset at this should blow themselves up!! Good riddens to you and your racist views and ways!

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