Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Miguel - Quickie

I have been waiting for this video to come out. Although I like the song I think Miguel tried a little too hard on this video to convince anyone who had any doubt about his homosexuality that he is into women. I just have a problem with dudes that sing to all women. I think this video would have been so great if he was singing to his girl instead a bunch of paid video hos who act like they bisexual for the camera. The scenario is so last decade. We need new creativity in music videos. I know the song's theme is about getting a quickie but its so much better when you get that quickie from the one person you are in a relationship with. I think this was staged to prove that he is not gay...This is my opinion. After viewing the video I would have preferred to not see it. I am not hating at all please don't take it as that...its just so done already. These women are acting for the paycheck....Im so over that women on women look.  thias freeze frame got thiese women looking like vampires...LOL

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