Friday, March 9, 2012

Chris Brown - How I Feel

Chris Brown has a new single "How I feel" the song is pretty short at 2:35 so I am not sure if this is a snippet of whats to come or if this is the entire song.  Nevertheless Chris has skills no matter if he is singing, rapping, dancing or acting.  I think the media attacks him because he is that threat...serious threat to alot of other entertainers that are no where near as talented as Chris is.  Anyway his new album entitled Fortune will be released in the next couple of months.  I can't wait to hear the whole album.  I am a huge Chris Brown fan and yes I can forgive someone who made mistakes in their past.  No one is perfect so people need to stop judging.  I like this song and what he is saying in the song.  I give the song two thumbs way the hell up!!!! Enjoy!!

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