Sunday, March 18, 2012

The comic strip Republicans didn't want you to see

Mondays comic strip

Tuesdays comic strip

 Wednesday's comic strip
Thursdays comic strip

Fridays comic strip

Saturdays comic strip

Last week was messed up for Garry Trudeau’s Doonesbury comic strip. It has gained national attention because it specifically deals with the Republican war on women and their right to choose whether or not they want an abortion. All week long, the brave woman seeking an abortion has been put through hell by the Republican Party of Texas. She had to meet with a Republican legislator who called her a slut. She then had to sit and be lectured about the transvaginal ultrasound. Then she was raped by the state when the “shaming wand” was inserted into her vagina.
Several newspapers chose to censor it, all because it slams the Republicans and their attempts to humiliate and violate women. We feel this is wrong, as it deprives Americans from seeing an important point of view that shows the reality of the situation. Republicans especially do not want anyone to see this comic strip, because it portrays them as the chauvinist, sexist woman haters that they are. I have posted the comic strip that should have been seen by all Americans last week.  We have to do away with republicans and their censorship tactics!!!! 

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