Monday, March 5, 2012

Conspiracy Theory - GGN News S. 1 Ep. 4

This shit is funny as hell. If we can have dumb ass networks like Fox and Cnn, why can't we have GGN News. The concept of this show reminds me of sitting around a bunch of friends passing a blunt around and someone says hey we should videotape this....LOL There are so many negative comments against this but the news we count on is a racist mockery of white peoples paranoia. You watch the news on a regular basis you will be scared to leave your house. I like Snoop Dog he is a family man first and why not cash in on an idea. We all of thought of shit like this, don't front!! I think it is funny and they may have alot of weed influenced ideas....many of our greats were high when they created their best masterpieces...just remember that!! There are many more episodes if you want to view more just type in GGN news. I like this right here....I give the video two thumbs way the hell up!! Enjoy!

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