Sunday, March 18, 2012

HIV Rates in Black Urban Women 5 Times Higher Than Previously Thought - ABC News

HIV Rates in Black Urban Women 5 Times Higher Than Previously Thought - ABC News <-- After reading this article I had to SMH. This is one of the saddest things I have read in a long long time.    Why are women allowing themselves to have unprotected sex when this disease is so alive and so strong.  I could never put myself in a bad situation of having unprotected sex with any man in this day and age.  Many people walk around not even knowing that they are infected.  Some people have never been tested or have come out of jail into the rest of society.  We all know what happens in jail.  I don't care what a man tells you he is either getting sex or giving sex in jail and condoms are not passed around.  Most ignorant ass men think that since they cant get a booty hole pregnant there is no need for a condom. Alot of men are downlow have unprotected sex with other men come home and have unprotected sex with their women.  It is sad but it is reality.   It is time WOMEN STOPPPPPPPP being so damn naive and trusting of these men out here.  You have no business laying down with a man without a condom on PERIOD!!!! Why do you want to gamble with your life like have to love yourself enough to know that anyone can get HIV or Aids.  No one is immune, there is no cure so why let a man go raw on you....please stop and listen ans read this article. This is real folks....REALLLY REAL!!!!!!!! The statistics in Atlanta for Hiv infections are comparable to some sub saharian african countries....This is real and alarming...Stop giving these sorry ass men your precious jewels without having any regards to your life and health!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!Go get tested and have him tested too.....Make him wear a condom or tell him to leave you alone!

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