Friday, March 23, 2012


Well the web is on fire with this story.  I don't know why so many people have hate for the Kardashians.  They are a family dynasty of women using their five minutes of fame like everyone else does.  Everyone is cheering this on but what it really shows is how jealous and petty people are. The lady that threw the flour must feel like holy shit about herself.  I would never think of doing some dumb shit like that even to my worst enemy.  The fucked up part of it all was that the woman was arrested right away but the Trayvon Martin gunmen is still free.  Where is the justice in our country?  I know this had to be a scary moment I mean people throw acid at people and anthrax is white and powdery.  The point is do we cheer on when a woman gets acid thrown on her face.  Yea I know Kim is a bit much and somewhat of an attention getter but arent all stars or people on tv like that when they are in their prime? This was a stupid immature incident.  I am tired of seeing people thinking this is justified.  Yea at the end of the day its just powder but the nature of the attack is just wrong!!

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