Thursday, March 22, 2012

RIP Tribute to Trayvon Martin "This My Hoodie"

I wanted to post this video tributing the 17 year old who was viciously gunned down outside his house in a gated community by some racist paranoid freak!! I cry in outrage that the killer named Zimmerman is a free man after killing an innocent kid on the street.  I think what makes my jaw drop even more is the fact that the media outlets like MSNBC and Facebook have posted polls and statistics.  In one poll they ask reader If an African American male is wearing a hoodie does that mean his is more dangerous and up to no good.  Don't you know over 80% of people said yes if a young black man wears a hoodie he is perceived dangerous.  Are you serious? The conversations have focused on what the teenager was wearing and not on the crime at hand.  I don't give a fuck what style of clothing someone wears, that does not constitute killing someone.  How does the media get off on blaming what this kid was wearing as to why he was shot.  The fact of the matter is he was shot for walking in the rain with a hoodie on and being black.  It is 2012 and to hear a story so sad like this makes me feel depressed.  A young man gets killed and they try to blame him for his thats white folks for you, crazy as hell.  The comments on this story are outrageous and alot of white people are on there saying they would kill him in the same manner because of what he was wearing.  They just want an excuse to kill.  they are a bunch of gun totting lunatics.  Trayvon was murdered for nothing and justice should be served.  They need to lock Zimmerman up!!!!!

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