Thursday, March 22, 2012

Michelle Obama - Joining Forces *Interview (Mar.19/12)

Unlike other blogs out there giving you a snippet of this interview.  I have posted the full 25 almost 26 minute video.  She looks flawless, I love our first lady she brings dignity to the White House.  Her style and grace is moving and she is a true inspiration for all women.  She is the model that I want my daughter to see not some of the other models pushed out here for women.  The president and his wife have a beautiful foundation and they are running this country with the scraps they were given in a very successsful way.  Kudos for the President and the First Lady.  I hope that the troops get the credit they deserve. It is a shame how we treat people who fought a battle for our country.  We need to have loyality to the men and women who serve for our country.  Enjoy the interview!!!

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