Friday, March 9, 2012

Waka Flocka Flame Defends Dogs With PETA

I am so glad he said what he said in this video.  I believe you gotta be a straight idiot if you have to hit on an animal.  They did nothing to you all they wanna do is breath eat and survive.  Only a low life would abuse any animal.  My dog is like my child, ain't nobody gonna hurt him.  There is no defending someone who hurts any animal or small child.  A person that does that is a sicko who gets off on taking advantage of something vulnerable.  What kind of society do we want if we allow sickos like that the ability to get away with harming innocent animals and children.  I really appreciate the fact that Waka Flocka did this, he will be someone's hero for defending dogs.  I give this video two thumbs way the hell up!!! Kudos to Waka!!!

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