Sunday, September 11, 2011

David Banner- Swag

I have always said that David Banner was a cut above the rest. He is what you call a visionary social conscious rapper. Although he doesn't get the media attention he deserves, he is someone with a voice that is not afraid to use it in a positive way. David's new song "Swag" talks about the use of the N word and also talks about how we are being molded to accept anything that is thrown to us. This is more than the use of the N word which is something that should not be marketed as being cool to use. There is nothing cool about gloryfying a sick past that used suffering as a tool of control. What I mean is white slave holders used that word in a sick, hateful way. Why the hell would we want to embrace such a word or movement? I can only say that we need to stop accepting the scraps of society. They used to throw scraps off their plates to slaves, so why are we continuing the sick tradition by throwing scraps to our future generations? I do not even think this is a debate that white people need to stay out of that is not the concern. The concern is a people that are being marketed to use and embrace a hellish nasty word. I can understand the school of thought that says well the youth use it so much it is a word of endearment, I say BULLSHIT to that!!!Just because you are black does not mean you have to accept less than anyone else. Accepting that word in your vocabulary says to others that you somehow buy into the concept of accepting less than..... why not teach the youth to embrace the word success and replace the N word with something positive, something that brings hard work and hope to future generations. The N word should be buried with the ideals of slavery. Just because something is targeted to you does not mean you should embrace it. Just look around and see all the negative things that are marketed to certain have the power to not buy in their market. Be strong and demand the upmost respect, respect each other and stop using that nasty harsh N word, it sounds disguisting coming from any human being whether they are black, white, hispanic or asian. It is a word and an ideal that needs to be destroyed. I am soooo glad David Banner made this song. He has a powerful message. I give the song two thumbs way would be nice to see a video for this song. Enjoy!!

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