Tuesday, September 6, 2011

President Obama on Labor Day

The media is continuing it's constant attack on President Barack Obama. Everytime you turn on the news or read the an article they have these pollsters with low approval ratings. Well one thing I learned in college was to never believe one source of information. Always do your research 9 times out of 10 the polls they are referring to are from a conservative spin off. Many Republican groups and clubs (Koch brothers) you need to read about these crooks are out to destroy our fabric of America. They want the KKK and teabaggers running our country into the ground. All the other side cares about is keeping the super rich cushioned. Don't believe these sorry ass polls. President Obama will et re elected, he will maintain ou economy and he will shut all the critics up by bringing our country out of the dangerous hole it is in. It is up to us as citizens to get involved and go out and vote. We need to keep unions strong and make the wealthy pay their damn taxes....PERIOD!!!!

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