Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lenny Kravitz on the Gayle King show

Here is a multi grammy winning phenomenal artist who has sold millions of records and instead of him living in a huge echoed filled mansion, he lives in a trailer.  See this is the mentality we need to adapt.  We need to believe and live within our means or way below our means.  We should give up the dream of trying to get an  excessive lifestyle.  We need to trim down and reflect on whats really important in life.  He stated that he was outside all the time so he takes im the natural wonder of the world.  We only THINK we need all the access but in reality we do not.  We just want a big house to fill it up with alot of junk ....and when it fills up with junk we go and buy bigger houses.  All you need us happiness, the family you love and a humble abode.  Materialism is so played out, why chase expensive things that don't make you happy?  I'd rather have a small house then a grand mansion with empty rooms while the homeless sleep under my ledge. I love Lenny he is a musical legend!! Enjoy!!

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